martedì 11 settembre 2018

Libreria per Poker

Ecco la mia libreria per il gioco del Poker:

on MouseUp
   #hand notation like:
   put field "hand" into tHand
   put analPoint(thand) into field 2
end MouseUp

function analPoint tHand
   sort items of thand numeric by the char 1 to -2 of each
   repeat with i=1 to 5
      put item i of tHand into th[i]
   end repeat
   #we must go in order
   #Straight Flush
   put true into testsuit
   repeat with i=2 to 5
      if the last char of th[i - 1] is not the last char of th[i] then put false into testsuit
   end repeat
   if testsuit then #they have the same suit
      if checkscale(th) then
         return "Straight Flush: " & maxcard(th,"Straight Flush")
      end if
   end if
   #Four of a kind   
   put countDup(th) into duplist
   repeat for each key tKey in duplist
      if dupList[tKey] = 4 then return "Four of a kind: " & tKey
   end repeat
   #Full House
   repeat for each key tKey in duplist
      if dupList[tKey] = 3 then
         put tkey into FH3
         repeat for each key tKey2 in duplist
            if dupList[tKey2] = 2 then
               put tkey2 into FH2
               return "Full House: " & FH3 & "." & FH2
            end if
         end repeat
      end if
   end repeat
   if testsuit then
      sort items of thand descending numeric by the char 1 to -2 of each
      repeat with i=1 to 5
         delete the last char of item i of thand
      end repeat
      return "Flush: " & thand
   end if
   if checkscale(th) then
      return "Straight: " & maxcard(th,"Straight")
   end if
   #Three of a Kind
   repeat for each key tKey in duplist
      if dupList[tKey] = 3 then
         put tkey into FH3         
         return "Three of a Kind: " & FH3
      end if
   end repeat
   #Two Pairs
   repeat for each key tKey in duplist
      if dupList[tKey] = 2 then
         put tkey into P1
         put 0 into dupList[tKey]
         repeat for each key tKey2 in duplist
            if dupList[tKey2] = 2 then
               put tkey2 into P2
               put P1 & comma & P2 into PT
               sort items of PT descending numeric
               return "Two Pairs: " & PT
            end if
         end repeat
      end if
   end repeat
   repeat for each key tKey in duplist
      if dupList[tKey] = 2 then         
         return "Two Pairs: " & tKey
      end if
   end repeat
   return "Nothing: " & maxcard(th,"Nothing")
end analPoint

function countDup th
   repeat for each element tele in th
      add 1 to temp[char 1 to -2 of tele]
   end repeat
   return temp
end countDup
function checkScale th #check if it is a scale   
   if checkace(th) and checkKing(th) then
      put th into th2 #backup
      put swapace(th) into th #now aces are 14 in value
   end if
   #we need to sort again
   put sortedArray(th) into th
   put true into test1
   repeat with i=2 to 5
      if ((char 1 to -2 of th[i-1]) + 1) is not (char 1 to -2 of th[i]) then put false into test1
   end repeat
   return test1
end checkscale

function checkAce th
   put false into test1
   repeat for each element tele in th
      delete the last char of tele
      if tele = 1 then put true into test1
   end repeat
   return test1
end checkace

function checkKing th
   put false into test1
   repeat for each element tele in th
      delete the last char of tele
      if tele = 13 then put true into test1
   end repeat
   return test1
end checkKing

function SwapAce th
   repeat with i=1 to 5         
      if char 1 to -2 of th[i] = 1 then put 14 into char 1 to -2 of th[i]
   end repeat
   return th
end SwapAce

function sortedArray @pArray   
   # fetch the keys and sort them using the array entry values
   get the keys of pArray
   sort lines of it numeric by char 1 to -2 of pArray[each]
   split it by return
   # create a new sorted array using the mapped keys
   put 1 into tNextIndex
   repeat for each element tIndex in it
      put pArray[tIndex] into tSortedArray[tNextIndex]
      add 1 to tNextIndex
   end repeat
   return tSortedArray
end sortedArray

function maxcard th, hType
   switch htype
      case "Straight"
      case "Straight Flush"
         if checkace(th) and checkKing(th) then
            return "ACE (14)"
            return maxcard2(th)
         end if
      case "Nothing"
         return maxcard2(th)
   end switch
end maxcard

function maxcard2 th
   put 0 into temp
   repeat for each element tele in th      
      if char 1 to -2 of tele > temp then put char 1 to -2 of tele into temp
   end repeat
   return temp
end maxcard2

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