Una è un widget gratuito per testi, hhtextEdit:
E' basato sul widget browser ed è pieno di opzioni. Potete scaricarlo da: http://livecodeshare.runrev.com/stack/860/HHTextEditBasic
In alternativa, come seconda soluzione, potete mettere questo codice in un campo di testo:
local finaltext
on closefield
end closefield
on justifyme
lock screen
put empty into finaltext
set the dontwrap of me to true
put the text of me into temp
set the text of me to empty
replace return with (space & chartonum(1) & space ) in temp #we separete words with newlines attached, and much more, newline is a word now
put the width of me into tw
put the number of words of temp into nw
repeat with i=1 to nw
if word i of temp is chartonum(1) then
put return after me
put the text of me after finaltext
put empty into me
next repeat
end if
put word i of temp after me
if the formattedwidth of me > tw then
delete the last word of me
addspaces 0
put word i of temp & space into me
put space after me
end if
end repeat
put the text of me after finaltext
set the text of me to finaltext
set the dontwrap of me to false
unlock screen
end justifyme
on addspaces temp
if the number of words of me is 1 then
put the text of me after finaltext
set the text of me to empty
exit addspaces
end if
put the width of me into tw
put the number of words of me -1 into nspaces #the correct number of spaces between words is nspaces -1, but we'll use mod
put temp mod nspaces into temp
add 1 to temp
put space after word temp of me
if the formattedwidth of me > tw then
put the number of chars of word 1 to temp of me into tc
delete char (tc +1) of me
put the text of me & space after finaltext
set the text of me to empty
addspaces temp
end if
end addspaces
on stripspaces
put the text of me into temp
repeat for each char tchar in temp
if (tchar is space) and (the last char of t2 is space) then
next repeat
put tchar after t2
end if
end repeat
set the text of me to t2
end stripspaces
on resizeControl
end resizeControl
Il risultato è buono: