Ecco i link dove scaricarlo:
- Windows:
- Mac:
put "1,2,3,4,5,6" into temp
sort items of temp by random(6)
split theList by return and return
combine theList by return and empty
delete the last char of theList
import sys
import os
import Image
def modifica(filename, watermarkname):
photo =
watermark =
Pwidth = photo.size[0]
Pheight = photo.size[1]
Wwidth = watermark.size[0]
Wheight = watermark.size[1]
x = (Pwidth/2)-(Wwidth/2)
y = (Pheight/2)-(Wheight/2)
photo.paste(watermark, (x, y), watermark)".")[0]+"_watermark.jpg")
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
print "Esempio d'uso: python foto.jpg watermark.png"
foto = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])
watermark = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[2])
if os.path.isdir(foto):
for file in os.listdir(foto):
modifica(foto+"/"+file, watermark)
modifica(foto, watermark)
on OpenCard
if $# <> 3 then
put "Esempio d'uso: livecode -ui watermark.livecode foto.jpg watermark.png"
quit 64 #command line usage error
end if
import paint from file $2
set the name of last image to watermark
if last char of $1 is "/" then
set the defaultFolder to $1
put files() into lista
put $1 into lista
end if
repeat for each line tFile in lista
applicaW tFile
end repeat
end openCard
on applicaW tFile
import paint from file tFile
set the name of last image to foto
set the loc of image watermark to the loc of image foto
set itemdel to "."
put item 1 of tFile into tFile
export snapshot from rect (the rect of image foto) of this card to file ( tFile & "_watermark.jpg") as JPEG
delete image foto
end applicaW
put $1 into indirizzo
#web o locale?
if (char 1 to 4 of $1) is not "http" then put "file:" before indirizzo
put url indirizzo into pagina
set itemdel to "="
put the number of items of pagina into nn
repeat with i=1 to nn
if (char -4 to -1 of item i of pagina ) = "href" then put word 1 of item (i+1) of pagina & return after listaLink
end repeat
put listaLink